Groups Help and Serve Members…
Members Serve Al-Anon as a Whole
There are many ways to give back, and there are no rules – each individual may give back in different ways and at different times, depending on their personal situation. Giving back can involve time, effort, utilizing a specific talent or skill, or a financial contribution. Any commitment to “give back” to Al-Anon is rewarded immediately with a greater sense of belonging, and in the end we receive far more than we can ever give.
Some tools to further your understanding of service in recovery:
Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual 2022-2025
When I Got Busy, I Got Better…
…to your Group
At the group level, service opportunities abound. These may be spontaneous such as helping set up chairs, clean up, or make coffee. More formal group duties include elected positions such as Group Representative (GR), Alternate GR, Treasurer and Secretary. Some groups may have additional needs to cover, such as monitoring literature supplies or coordinating childcare.
Your home group is a great place to start on your journey of giving back!
…to your District
Groups in a geographic area come together as a “District”. Group Representatives attend District meetings and conduct the business of the local region, such as public outreach projects, supporting group needs, or planning Al-Anon related events.
Elected positions at the district level include District Representative (DR), Alternate DR, Treasurer, Secretary, Alateen, Literature or Public Outreach. Some districts may have additional duties to cover such as planning events or supporting an information line.
…to your Area
Groups and Districts come together for a larger region known as an “Area”. In Montana, the entire state comprises Area 32.
Elected positions in Montana include Area Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Area Delegate, Alternate Area Delegate, Alateen Coordinator, Archives Coordinator, Archivist, Forum Coordinator, Group Records Coordinator, Literature Coordinator, Newsletter Coordinator, Public Outreach Coordinator (includes outreach to institutions and professionals), and Web Coordinator.
In the spirit of “rotation of service”, elections for area service positions occur every three years.