There are many ways to give back, and there are no rules – each individual may give back in different ways and at different times, depending on their personal situation. Giving back can involve time, effort, utilizing a specific talent or skill, or a financial contribution. Any commitment to “give back” to Al-Anon is rewarded immediately with a greater sense of belonging, and in the end we receive far more than we can ever give.
Al-Anon is Self-Supporting
As we all know, money can become the primary focus of any relationship or organization. Our founders provided guidance in this area, in planning for Al‑Anon Family Groups (AFG) to remain focused on recovery, not financial needs.
Tradition Seven states, “Every group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”
In line with it’s Seventh Tradition of being self-supporting, AFG relies solely on voluntary contributions from members, and the sale of Conference Approved Literature (CAL) to cover all its operational costs: facilities, personnel, public outreach, and more. The groups, as well as the World Service Office (WSO), decline contributions from non-members and accept no outside funding from government, foundations, or other agencies.
If each member contributed two cents extra per week, that is approximately $75,000 a year. If every Al-Anon group in the USA sent an additional $15.00 per year to Al-Anon World Service Headquarters, annual expenses would be fully covered.
How your Contribution is Used…
Financial contributions
Note: Personal contributions to WSO and to Montana AFG are tax-deductible. Contributions at local meetings are not tax-deductible. Contributions to your District and other areas are tax-deductible only if they have non-profit 501(c)(3) status.
Montana (Area 32)
*Montana Al-Anon, Inc. is a certified 501(c)(3) organization; donations are tax-exempt. *Montana AFG does not rent, sell, or exchange the names of it’s donors for any purpose.
Montana AFG, INC. 3031 Grand AVE Suite 100, PMB #110 Billings, MT 59102 Email: [email protected]
AFG World Service Office
WSO Financial Information Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. is a certified 501(c)(3) organization. Any donations are tax-exempt.
AFG World Service Office 1600 Corporate Landing Pkwy. Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Tel: 757-563-1600 Fax: 757-563-1655 Email: [email protected] Contribute Now
Your District
See the page for your District regarding financial contributions.